ಶುಕ್ರವಾರ, ಮೇ 14, 2010

Soliloquy as a Literary Genre

Dear Friends,

(I have appended the English version to this e-mail)

I have developed concepts for few new genres / sub-genres in literature.
Here is a brief overview of the Soliloquy genre in English. I have been
writing about it in Kannada also. Please give me your thoughts / feedback
from the perspective of authors.

Soliloquy as a genre

In this genre, the complete fiction is written in soliloquy; the fiction
would read as if someone is talking to himself / herself. A special
implementation version would be an author writing in his soliloquy,
narrating the fiction from his perspective, yet whole fiction limited to
soliloquy compositions. To a novice, this may sound like biography. It is
important to note that biography is not meant to be a fiction, but a
documentation of a person’s life story. It is also important to realize that
biography is written by an author about another person’s life, where as
autobiography is really written about oneself. The soliloquy as a genre
particularly applies only to fiction. Even though the soliloquy fiction
could be written by the author, narrating his reactions, feelings, plans and
tribulations on the topic, a more effective use of the power of soliloquy is
to write the story as if it is narrated by one of the characters. The author
in the role of a chosen character of the fiction would be relating the
myriads of diverse feelings like thoughts, pains, pleasures, worries, hopes,
fears, apprehensions, recollections of events and feelings, internal mental
debates and value judgments through out the narration of fiction.

This genre would be unique with its own advantages and difficulties. How
would a person, who has never heard of the genre called ‘drama’, feel if the
drama genre uses only dialogues, and any thing and everything that the
dramatist has to convey to the readers / audience should be in a dialogue
format to be delivered by a character in the fiction. It may look like

This genre would be good for poems and short stories.


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