ಸೋಮವಾರ, ಮೇ 17, 2010


KRS Murthy

Where did all my dearest dreams of yesterday go?
Had hid it secretly in my own colossal sand castle

Born to many hours of labor of love, day and night
Sun dipping down the horizon has been my witness

The dream castle I built was really very big and tall
Big strong fort I built around it made me a promise

Not to let any friend or enemy to come inside or prowl
Promise I heard when I mixed all the sand for the fort

With sea shells, fish bones, and stones, small and big
Glued them with my own spit, hopes and secret wishes

Tender kiss and a secret whisper to every handful of sand
Will never utter the secret, as dreams are meant to be ours

Never to be told to any soul, however close, it may pretend
For any reason at all, and not even the colorful butterfly

Never the pretty birds that chirp all day at each other
Birds have never known at all the art of keeping a secret

Do not let the innocent looking buds know your secrets,
For they will open to blossom at dawn and let the bees

Bees will always buzz all your secrets away, to each other
While visiting from flower to flower in the whole garden

Many times wander to all other gardens around the forest
Not even the ants following each other up and down the trees

"A secret that is let out to drift is no more a secret"
Guard it from everyone who may try to eves drop on the mind

As my mother always used to say, as I sat sad on her lap
When my mind drifted away to fly with the dream angels

Seeing my face looking down, and couple drops in my eyes
"Never let your soul cry when your dreams wash away "

When the tall waves flirt with the shore to kiss the sand
Quietly recede as if nothing ever happened, to come again

Many of your dreams are meant to remain only as dreams
For they are your own secrets, in your soul, to treasure

For they are purer and prettier, like a virgin, unseen
Hide it, and guard it, to quietly let it all wash ashore

Back into the vast ocean that hides everyone's secrets
The secrets anyway really came from the depths of the ocean


ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್‌‌ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ ಮಾಡಿ