ಶುಕ್ರವಾರ, ಮಾರ್ಚ್ 26, 2010

Word Creation International

Word Creation International

NOTE: The ideas presented in this document could be easily applied to all languages of the world. I plan to create project teams for various languages of the world. Please feel free to contact me by email (ICubed.Murthy@Gmail.com) or cell (408)-464-3333 if you are interested to participate in one or more languages.

For example, Indian languages, based on “devanagari” alphabets system have 52 alphabets with 16 vowels and 36 consonants, with some languages varying partly from this system.

English language has 26 letters, with 5 vowels and 21 consonants. Words in English can be as short as 1 letter in trivial cases, 2 letters for some words, 3 to 10 for numerous words and few with more than 10 letters.

Looking from simple permutation and combination perspectives, with 2 to 10 or more letters taken at a time, one can calculate a very large number of possibilities for words. In the current words in the English language dictionary, many of them in routine usage, many others in infrequent usage and usage only by English scholars, many more in usage in specialized subjects or professional fields. Even though English language over all has a very large number of words, numerous more combinatorial possibilities remain. However, we should realize not all combinatorial possibilities can be words, especially combinations with four or more consonants occurring in a sequence. Generally, at least one vowel is needed to form a word, except for words that can be formed with letter y, like spy, sky, my, why, shy where the letter y produces a vowel like sound.

Nevertheless, many letter combinations and permutations could potentially be used to form or “create” new words, keeping in mind the limitations of too many consonants in a sequence without any vowel or letter y in between to enable pronounceable words.
Normally, every language grows in an evolution modality, thus adding few words every year, which takes many years to grow even by a percentage. However, my proposal is to create words and popularize them to speed of the growth of the vocabulary of a language like English.

There are many ways to accomplish this goal. I propose few ways to set it in motion, so that many other ways could be added and the techniques could be enhanced, not only to create new words or group of words, but also popularize them.

My initial list is as follows:

• One way English language has grown is by adopting and adapting the words from other languages. English has taken words from French, Spanish, Latin, German and other European languages. English has also taken words from Indian languages. My proposal is to create a team of experts from different languages of the world, who also know English and intentionally search in a systematic way potential words for adoption into English, screen the best candidate words by a suite qualifications, identify ways to adapt the words in English usage, test and monitor the adoption locus, finally incorporating the successful words into English dictionary.

o Example: The word “Guru” is now used in English, adopted from Sanskrit. In the general usage in Indian languages and as adopted in English, the word is normally referred to a teacher. However, in Sanskrit, the word Guru, as is true for many words, has varied meanings depending on the context and intent of usage. Guru can mean and is usable in the following meanings depending on the context and intent: Important, that in the center, heavy, big. The word “gurutva” in Sanskrit means the property of being heavy, big or central. The word gurutva can be used in English in this meaning, thus adding a new word to English. The word “gaura” derived from the word “guru” has many meanings including white, nice and prominent. A woman with “gaura” qualities is called “gauri”. All these derivative words of guru can be adopted into English. For example, “She is gauri” or “She is a gauri” could be used to mean “she is beautiful”. However, “Gauri” with the first letter G capitalized could be a proper name for a lady. “gurutva” is also usable as another word for gravity.

• Develop innovative grammatical derivatives that are not in current use in the English language for various words. The grammatical derivatives include, but are not limited to, adverbial, adjective and abstract noun forms. The grammatical derivative development can also be applied to words that are adopted from other languages.

• Many Spanish words like “macho” could used to creative derivatives in English. Examples are: machoness, machoformation, mochoformed, unmocho, mocholess.

• Computers and computer clusters could be employed to compute all combinatorial possibilities. The results could be compared with English dictionary. Letter sequences that do not match could be further compared with words in dictionaries of other languages written in English with few variations in spelling. The letter sequences could be compared for possible grammatical derivations of words in the dictionary, even though they may not be permitted in current English.

I will continue with more examples.

3 ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್‌ಗಳು:

  1. This is an interesting proposition, but would you also care to elaborate on the use of such words? "Guru" is now used in english, but that is due to popular culture rather than for etymological reasons. So even if you were to string out a potential vocabulary, I fail to understand the use of identifying such words (without any support from the users). I heard you announce about this project at the DM SIG tonight and found it interesting. I still think it is interesting, just dont know which part of the puzzle it would fit.

  2. >The word “gurutva” in Sanskrit means the property of being heavy, big or central. The word gurutva can be used in English in this meaning, thus adding a new word to English.

    बृहस्पतये वाचस्पतये नम:
    Here is a snapshot from 'medium English' school children: my father, your father gurutu yaar!:-)
    How to gurutify such new expressions and add them to slang-list? A new task.
