ಮಂಗಳವಾರ, ಮಾರ್ಚ್ 30, 2010

Love Bird's Nest

Love Bird's Nest
K.R.S. Murthy

Scent before the sight
Song before the bird
Warmth before the hug
Love before the union

(These four lines are sung by the chorus singers)
(The four stanzas of two lines each are sung by lead singers. Different stanzas by different lead singers first and then repeated by all the lead singers)

A colorful bird made its nest in my heart
Never seen before, nor the sweet music heard

Flew from afar, onto my wrist, with closed palm
Beating its wings, beating my heart, to let it open

Hurry! Feed the soul that is hungry all the while
Alas! The bird has already nested in my soul

The door closed shut in a flash, to be closed forever
Forever and ever, no place for all the strangers

Note: I may change the words a little bit to suit the tune as I compose the detailed music. I will start tuning shortly, even though I have the basic tune in my mind. I am very open if anyone wants to work with me on the tune and music composition. Please contact me if you are interested)


ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್‌‌ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ ಮಾಡಿ